Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Focus Frostburg

                            Focus Frostburg assignment 

For my Focus Frostburg assignment, I attended the 10:00 Power point presentation called “Wholesome Harvest Co-op, presented by Jenni Georgeson and Nancy Giunta. A big problem in our society today is food waste and it’s not only the food that is being thrown away in your local home or restaurant.The main point of the presentation was to educate us on where our food come from and how we could reduce waste, for an example I learned that large farms are Mino crops which means a lot of fruits and vegetables are picked early which causes a lost of nutrients. I see this corporation as something that support organic farming, organic farming is a method of crop and livestock production that involves much more than choosing not to use pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified organisms, antibiotics and growth hormones, which usually makes our food and plants less healthy. Supporting your local Co-op store is known to support sustainable agriculture.The Wholesome Harvest Co-op “Is a business voluntarily owned and controlled by the people who use it” as mention by the presented Jenni Georgeson “its purpose is to meet our common economic social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned controlled enterprise. “As mentioned there will be a store opening located behind Main Street, as mentioned by the presenters their mission “is to provide the community with high quality wholesome food at a member- owed and operated grocery store.” Anyone is welcome to shop as well become a member.

Three goals mentioned by the presenters were to “Stock high quality local and organic food, to act as a community resource for information regarding food,” meaning not only provide you health food but to inform you on where your food is coming from and how it is to produce. Also, another goal mention by the presenter was “to provide greater access for hard to reach populations. During the presentation where we learn how much food is being wasted because of the quality from certain foods being picked early, from the starting point of when it is being produced from the farms to when it gets to the store to when it gets at home and 70 percent of the food is wasted in homes. You can find this cooperation on Facebook at Wholesome harvest coop Co-op or on their website

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