Thursday, February 25, 2016

And The Oscar Goes To... Aimee Conley

And The Oscar Goes To... Aimee Conley
Justice Sifford, ENGL 336

Aimee Conley, age 22, is a senior theatre major in the Theatrical Studies track here at Frostburg State University. She enjoys this track in her program because, “[She] get[s] to get a little taste of everything that goes on when putting a show together.” In theatre she feels that she has found her true passion. On the topic of theatre she says, “I love theatre. It’s probably the only thing that gives me something to wake up to.” In her choices as an actor and an artist she draws inspiration from the likes of Johnny Depp, Jennifer Aniston, Faith Prince, who played the original “Miss Adelaide” in Guys & Dolls on Broadway, and her uncle Jeff Conley.
          Conley’s uncle was the one who got her involved in theatre as a child. “I was seven [years old] I think, and I was in my Uncle Jeff’s production of Peter Pan. I was one of the lost boys… I was huge tomboy, so I wanted to be a lost boy. I had one line, and I said, ‘Hey look! It’s mermaids!’” That small role was enough to make a mark on her. Conley says that she plans one day making a career out of acting and performing. “There’s always those few people that keep you inspired and keep you wanting to do it,” she says.
It is clear that she holds her family members in very high regard. She describes her father as being her role model because he is understanding and caring for others despite his own personal beliefs, a quality Conley herself strives to replicate in her own life. “My dad and I have different viewpoints on a lot of things… but the thing I love about my dad is that he doesn’t let that stuff get in the way of making friends with new people or having a relationship with his daughter.”
Later, on the way to rehearsal for a production of Schoolhouse Rock: LIVE! In Moorefield, WV with her costar, Bryan Murtha, in the backseat, Conley discusses her favorite and least favorite roles that she has played, and how she chooses her roles. Her three favorite roles have been “Miss Adelaide” from Guys & Dolls, “Ilse” from Spring Awakening, and “Pickles” from The Great American Trailer Park Christmas. Her least favorite role was “Laurie Beth” in Happy Days The Musical. She says that she looks for relatable characters, who have songs within her vocal range, and who have interesting stories to tell.

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