Thursday, February 25, 2016

Kate Sine: Family Values

Sine, Kate: Family Values
By Randi Watson, ENGL 336

During college you have encounters with all sorts of different people. Some you just say hi and bye to, some you just speak to in class, and some you walk by. On February 23rd, 2016 I got the opportunity to really get to know one of my class mates. Kate Sine is a 20 year old English major and Film Study minor. She is also a member of the Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority. Kate describes her relationship with her sorority as “a big family which is nice because I come from a big family… it makes it feel like I’m home again”. While continuing to talk to Kate I found out that she is a very family oriented person. When I asked her to define family her reply was that family is “a place where you are welcome to be who you are”. Kate’s main goal career wise is to become a published author then a have a movie be based off of one of her books. She has loved to write ever since she was 10 years old and her passion only grows.
When I asked about her favorite quote it led back to her family. Kate’s favorite quote is something that her mother always told her “great things come in small packages”. This quote means so much to her especially coming from her mother because she “has always been small and has been frustrated with it. Even now that she is older her family are the people that are always there for when she needs support in anything she does.
Being a Film Study minor it is not hard to guess that Sine is a movie enthusiast. She explains that “ever since I was little I had a big imagination and I love movies.” Her favorite movie was introduced her by her father when she was a kid, True Grit. She really connects with it through her connection with her father and John Wayne.
Overall Kate is a very kind and genuine person with great values and beliefs. Look out for her next thing you know you could be seeing her stories on the big screen!

This is the link to Kate’s favorite channel on YouTube. 

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