Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Warm Weather Bring's Out Some Interesting Spring Break Plans

Warm Weather Bring's Out Some Interesting Spring Break Plans
Written by: Joseph Knaggs

Venturing out onto the Frostburg State University campus in hunt of developing an idea of the students Spring Break plans, I interviewed three currently enrolled students. While spanning the campus I found a small group enjoying a late lunch in the Upper Quad sitting on the cement dividers stepping up the hill. 

Upon asking if the three students could "help me out with a class project" with notebook in hand, I was welcomed very enthusiastically by all three individuals. After discussing what information was needed for the assignment, the students were excited to provide me with the information, and joked around almost the whole time. 

The first student, Samantha Eck (the only one who gave me her full name), a blonde haired girl who's from Kent Island, Maryland, located directly over the Bay Bridge. This is her first year out of high school, coming directly to Frostburg. Currently, she still isn't very sure what she would like to major in, however, she does know what she has planned for spring break this year. Samantha's spring break plans consist of "are to go to Disneyland with my best friend Megan, and my family for the whole week, and I cant wait to be tan" 

My second interviewer goes by the name of "Batman", who after stating the superhero nickname lifts his Starbucks cup, with the name "batman" written in black sharpie as the Starbucks employees commonly would. From Ft. Washington, located in Prince Georges County, Maryland, the student also came directly from his hometown high school to be in the Freshman class of Frostburg University. Mr. Batman currently majors in International Studies (Spanish), finding interest on a more global scale. During spring break he states to "get fucked up" and then quickly corrects himself stating "I'm just kidding, I'll be on a church retreat all week long" followed by a span of laughter. 

Mrs. "Baby Bear", who refused to give me her full name due to the fact that "it's too long, and difficult to spell, and I'm too lazy to spell it out for you right now" afterwards looking at her friend "Batman" and laughing. When asked her current class, she states "I'm a super-senior" then laughs and informs me she's currently a Freshman as well at Frostburg, majoring in Psychology. Her spring break might not be so easy, she needs to find a new job for the summer time at her hometown of Baltimore. But of course she couldn't end on a serious note, announcing "of course I'm gunna be partying too, cause I love getting fucked up". 

After an apparently long past two weeks for all three students, they all made it very clear to me their ready for a heavy amount of relaxing over this years spring break for Frostburg University.  

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