Thursday, February 22, 2018

Brandon Harrington, the up-and-coming director you should be keeping an eye on

Brandon Harrington, junior at Frostburg State, is one cool cat.  He claims to have a strong sense of fashion - and he can back this up, with his current Forever 21 ripped denim jacket with a white t-shirt combo, he's sure to turn heads.  However, there's more than just a snappy dresser: this cat wants to direct.

"I really like movies, I want to be a film director" says Brandon.  Inspired by films like like Kill Bill Volume 1 and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the original one), Brandon has been going for a Mass Communications major.  "My focus is video, of course, and I have a minor in journalism."

Brandon already has two credits under his belt for his classwork, his first class creation was a music video.  Sadly, it can't be shared: "It isn't anywhere, it's not 'my song' or anything."  He also got to make a documentary about his dorms at the end of the last semester.

Brandon has a preference for Scifi and Horror films, but when asked about which movies he disliked, his answer was swift.  "Romance: I cannot watch romance or dramatic movies like that.  It just doesn't really draw my attention.  I don't need explosions or action scenes all the time, I just don't like romance."

Also on the list of films he didn't enjoy are most documentaries that aren't Planet Earth, which can be "a bit dry" and The Human Centipede. "I really like gory movies, but that one was just too far."

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