Thursday, February 22, 2018

Keen and Kind Hearted the Story of Kaitlynn By LaRon Richardson ENGL 336

This past Tuesday, February 21, 2018, Kaitlynn Hamby had the unique pleasure to be interviewed. You can tell a lot about her character before even speaking to her; she came to the interview with a glowing smile on her face, wearing a bright white summer dress, coral ballerina slippers and long blonde hair reaching down to her shoulders. Kaitlynn is a 19-year-old sophomore English student born and raised in Baltimore County, Maryland. She was raised by both her mother and her father, she has one sibling, a younger brother, but if you ask her she also has a sister. That is because she has a cousin named Becca that looks identical to her. Kaitlynn says “whenever we are in the mall together someone always asks if we're never fails at this point we just go along with it”. Kaitlynn’s hobbies include hanging out with friends, reading books, listening to music, watching Netflix and going out to eat. She says “ well my favorite meal on campus are the crab cakes from Grill Nation, well they are pretty crumby compared to the ones back in Baltimore but hey…hey crab is crab”. Kaitlynn was always a big talker from a young age, “my parents said I used to sit in booths with random people at restaurants and just start talking…they would literally have to drag me away”.
After graduation Kaitlynn's career ambition is to work in the publishing industry” my dream job would be to work in a publishing house because literally all I have to do is read all day, I would love it by the way my favorite book ever is The host by Stephanie Meyer!” She also prides herself on being loving and caring towards her friends and family. Just this past week Kaitlynn went out of her way to buy 3 of her friends without valentine’s chocolates and to be their valentines. She explains “it was just something nice I would want to do for them, everybody secretly feels a little down around this time if they have no valentines so I made sure to show them some of my love”. Kaitlynn Hamby loves the minuscule about her about her life and makes sure everyone she meets also feels her love.                                                     

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