Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Cassidy Zagone: Leadership At Its Finest

Cassidy Zagone, right, with her mom, Cindy Zagone, outside Bobcat Stadium before the first home football game of the season. Cassidy's fraternal twin, Zach Zagone, plays left tackle for Frostburg State.
Cassidy Zagone: Leadership At Its Finest
By: Terra Sheppard ENGL 336

                Being a leader at a college can be challenging for some people. It means stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things that you probably wouldn’t do before.  Being a leader means being a role model for others and paving the way for others to follow. My father always told me “Always lead with grace and dignity”. Being a leader can open so doors for someone who is about to graduate from college and land themselves a job somewhere. Being a leader can guide more students in college. However you look at it, Leadership comes with big responsibilities but also has great benefits. Cassidy Zagone is someone who strives to be a leader at Frostburg State University.

Cassidy Zagone is a senior at Frostburg State University. She is originally from Silver Spring Maryland .She first went to West Virginia University but within her first few weeks at West Virginia, She decided to transfer still in her freshman year. Just by happenstance Frostburg state was stilling rolling admissions, so Cassidy went up for an interview and got accepted. “Coming from Silver Spring, Md to Frostburg, Md was a big adjustment for me” Cassidy explained. She had challenges adjusting at first to Frostburg just like any regular college student would. Cassidy also has a twin brother who attends Frostburg State as well. He’s on the football team.” He’s already making friends and I’m kind of the one that was by myself when I first got to Frostburg” Cassidy told me. Cassidy was always in her dorm her first year at Frostburg and was unhappy. Her second year, Cassidy decided that was going to at least join something at Frostburg. Cassidy decided to join a sorority called Alpha Sigma Tau. It’s an on-campus sorority here at Frostburg State. Once Cassidy joined her sorority, she got handed a lot of opportunities. She was vice president of her sorority and president of her pledge class. Later, she joined the university programming council. Cassidy Zagone went from a loner who didn’t really do much around campus to someone who plays a major part in some of the organizations you see around campus

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