Tuesday, September 27, 2016

TJ Awad: The Man in Charge

TJ Awad is currently a mass communication major, focusing in audio and video production while attending Frostburg State University. TJ was born in Richmond, Virginia on New Year’s Eve, then the family relocated to PG County in Maryland. An interesting fact about the day he was born is that he was born the “day before my mom turned 21.” TJ is the oldest of four children, he has a sister, brother, and an even younger half-brother. Throughout the years TJ has traveled to a panoply of places over the world. Some of those places would include the Netherlands, Paris, Rome, Madrid, and Lebanon TJ mentioned his dad “made sure we traveled a lot.” He also travels now for different martial arts events. Even though he may not wrestle or play rugby anymore, he tries to continue on with his passion for martial arts.

          Once TJ had time to play Rugby at Frostburg, but now most of his time is dedicated to his organizations. TJ is now the President of Frostburg State’s chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, INC. This comes as no surprise once learning that he is a legacy to this fraternity, since his father joined Phi Beta Sigma when he was in college as well. His mother is also a member of Greek life as well, she is a member of the sister sorority to Phi Beta Sigma. TJ and his father had the chance to share a great father-son moment as his dad was the one to pull off his mask at the end of TJ’s probate for Phi Beta Sigma. One day soon TJ would like to be branded with his fraternity’s letter, as many men have been branded before him. He is also dedicating the whole left side of his arm to his fraternity, while his right side will be about his heritage and his back will be dedicated to his love for martial arts. Even though in the beginning he may have wanted to be anything but president within his fraternity, TJ is making the best of it. His father had cautioned him about the amount of responsibilities that come along with the job of being President for this organization from personal experiences.
TJ pictured above with brothers of Phi Beta Sigma

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