Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Kim Goldberg: You can find her on the metro

Goldberg as she is about to turn
1 year old and prepares to move
to the United States
By: Holly Thompson, ENGL 336

       Kim Goldberg (Febuary 28th 1994) is currently a senior at Frostburg State University majoring in English. She is concentrating in literature and she has two business minors. On top of all that she is obtaining two certificates, one for the practicum in the teaching of writing and one for professional writing. Her love for writing has lead her to pursue a career as a high school english teacher. Her hometown is Germantown, Maryland. However, she was born in Mexico City, Mexico and lived there for a year. Her family decided to move back to the states because they had family here and there were better job opportunities here. Her father, Steven Goldberg, opened up a pawn shop in DC when they moved back. Goldberg is the youngest of four siblings. She has a huge family. Her mother, Lety Goldberg, is the second youngest of seven. She has about twenty-seven cousins. She speaks fluent Spanish. Goldberg’s interests include reading, music, exploring and traveling.
       Goldberg has traveled to many different places including; Mexico, Colorado, Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina,  Washington DC, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and New York.  The first time she went back to visit her family in Puebla, Mexico, she was thirteen and stayed for three months. She also went back this summer and “State Hopped” around from state to state in Mexico for a month. She traveled to Colorado by herself when she was 18.
       Goldberg loves to travel. Her dream is to, one day, see Italy.
       “When traveling I like to emerge myself into the culture,” Goldberg said. She likes to explore new places and experience what makes cultures different.
Goldberg at 20 years old
       Goldberg stated, “I don’t like going to fancy restaurants, instead I like to go to local food carts because they’re more authentic.” Goldberg feel as though the local food carts have more to offer in terms of culture and authenticity. She enjoys experiencing what the locals experience on a daily basis, instead of just seeing the standard “tourists’ sites.”
       “I would love to be spontaneous and get on the metro and stop at any place that seems interesting and simply just explore,” Goldberg says enthusiastically. Goldberg loves adventure and believes that life isn’t complete without travelling and experiencing new things.
       Goldberg can simply be described as a free spirit. She is constantly on the move and searching for a new place to travel to and to explore. You can find her on the Metro.
       If you want to be spontaneous and go on similar adventures as Goldberg, you can plan your own travelling adventure using the sources below.
       Metro information
       30 best travel tips
       What to pack
       Trip Advisor

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