Friday, September 18, 2015

The Search is on for New Frostburg State University President

Even though Jonathan Gibraltar announced in February of 2015 that he was leaving the University, the official announcement of an open position did not hit the press until September 17th, 2015. Frostburg State University has hired the executive searching practice of Lochlin Partners to lead the search.
               Lochlin Partners, a small practice based in McLean, Virginia, held a public forum to begin the search. Partners Pat Friel, a Frostburg State University alum class of 1988, and Pam Pezzoli were leading the discussion. Friel stated that “I’ve worked on lots of executive searches in my time, but there was no search I’ve wanted to do more than this one”. The excitement and passion could be seen on Friel’s face as he spoke of his excitement to be a part of helping his alma mater.
               Friel then explains what their ideal process will look like. After Frostburg chose Lochlin Partners as their search firm, the firm put together a search committee, made up of faculty, staff, and two students. “As executive search consultants, what we’re going to assist the search committee in developing a slate of qualified candidates and then help them work through the slate of candidates which we will ultimately present to the board of regents who will make the hiring decision”. He present a time line for the process. It began with the announcement of the position, moving through an active search of many qualified candidates that they believe would be potentially good for the position, many rounds of interviews, and then ending will a hire in early 2016. Friel explained that they would assemble a list of 20 to 30 possible candidates, present it to the search committee, which would them be narrowed down to 2 or 3 finalists.
               The biggest announcement about the search was that it would be a completely closed search from beginning to end. This means that the list of candidates would not be announced until one was selected to be president. This was decided so that there would be no pressure from other universities or communities that would deter well qualified people from applying for a position. Though this may be concerning to those her at Frostburg State, Lochlin Partners believes it is for the benefit of the search and all involved if it is all kept under lock and key.
               Once the details were explained to the audience, it was time for an open discussion. The congregation was very open to expressing their opinions of what this school needs and what the new president should care about. Students wanted a president who cares about the student body and their well-being. Many students mentioned the need to upgrades to the residence halls and the academic buildings. They wanted a president who would put funding towards student organizations and experiential learning opportunities. Faculty wanted someone who could connect with the community and help raise funds and resources. One thing everyone agreed on was that we need someone who will be active on campus and passionate about Frostburg as a whole.

               The search will be on going for the next few months and Lochlin Partners wants our help. If you would like to add to the search by suggesting candidates, expressing what you want in a president, or have any question, contact Lochlin Partners at  

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