Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Niki Folk: "Though she be little, she is fierce"

The Age of Aquarius refers to the advent of the new age movement in the 1960s and 1970s, but on a more abstract level, the Age of Aquarius can simply refer to something (or someone) that is fresh, vibrant, and new. Niki Lynn Folk is a 21 year old senior with a professional writing major at Frostburg State University. A small town girl with a bubbly and peppy personality born on January 21st under the Aquarius moon, Niki Folk is quite the breath of fresh air that we could all use once in a while.

Folk grew up in Frostburg Maryland where she now goes to school. Although Folk was raised in a small town, her dreams and aspirations reach hefty heights. Folk got her first taste of the exciting and effervescent city life, as well as the freedom and autonomy of college during her senior year of high school when she attended a journalism conference in the greatly esteemed Ivy League college, Columbia University in Manhattan, the booming heart of New York City. Folk says, “I remember feeling like I was already a college student, you got to go from class to class and it’s kind of like a taste of freedom before you really have it.” The dichotomy between country and city life, Frostburg and NYC specifically can be very startling, but Folk was able to easily assimilate into the fast paced life style of a city. On a recent trip to Philadelphia with friends, Folk found herself once again immersed into city life and enjoying it very much. She says’ “I like to go out and experience things, I like being stimulated and having things to do…by the second day in Phili my friends were ready to go home but I wanted to stay.” The way Folk regards city life after living in a small town all of her life, one could only wonder what her future living plans are, whether she plans to stay in a small town or veer out into a city. Folk is aware that there aren’t many opportunities economically in Frostburg especially in her major, and although her desire for stimulation  attracts her to larger towns, she still isn’t sure about living in one: “I could see myself living in NYC but realistically I’m not sure…I’m so used to the life I live, I’m thankful for my humble upbringing.”

One of Folk’s biggest passions is movies. From mystery to romance, to psychological thrillers, Folk enjoys watching movies, talking about movies and researching movies. That’s right, researching movies. IMDB is a website that gives users information about any and every movie (most movies). Info such as each actor who played in the movie, to director and production information, and more are all available on the website. IMDB is one of Folk’s favorite websites and whenever she watches a movie she looks up all the features and facets of that movie. Ironically, folk has never seen a Harry Potter movie which tends to baffle some, but Folk says “I know its shocking but I like to use this analogy, there’s a harry potter train that most individuals get on when they are children and they stay on, but other people miss the train and I missed it." Fair enough Niki, fair enough.

“Though she be little she is fierce.” This quote from William Shakespeare’s a Midsummer Night’s Dream is one that Folk greatly resonates with. On the exterior Folk is small, blond, and extremely cute which often leads to some unfair stereotypes: “I get stereotyped as the dumb blond, people think I’m going to be mean right off the bat, but I’m actually very friendly and I like to chat. I’m that girl you see at the bar and I’m like ‘Hi how are you?!’ and then I never stop talking." Folk has an infectious smile, voice and laugh and a warm heart. Like most, folk was once a shy individual but today she knows her worth and how splendid she is, and she emits her friendly spirits towards others whenever she can. “When i'm friendly to people and wave and they don’t wave back it doesn’t really bother me anymore because I know it is more of a reflection of them and not me.” And that is exactly true.

Niki Lynn folk is a small town girl with big dreams and an even bigger love for movies. Born under the Aquarius moon it’s no wonder she is such a kind and free spirit. We could definitely use more folks like Folk in this world!

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