Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Wesley Miller: A Character of His Own

Wesley Miller is a Garrett County resident and Junior here at Frostburg State University. Lover of all things gaming and music, his interests include playing the guitar, going to see local bands perform, and of course gaming. He is an English major and specifically loves creative writing because, as he says, “Creative writing speaks to the heart.” Miller spoke little of his family. His mother passed away when he was three years old, leaving his father widowed, going to college, working, and raising the kids on his own. As soon as he was old enough and got a car he said he was gone.

Wesley Miller in 2013
By just speaking to Miller you can tell his passion for creativity and imagination. He spoke of his love for gaming, claiming that his favorites were Dragon Age: Inquisition, Fallout 3, and Star Ocean Til the End of Time, and when he did his voice got louder, his posture became more confident, and he face just lit up. He plays Magic, a card game, a lot, but does not enjoy it as much anymore because he went to some gatherings where he met other people who play the game and he said they were “Spiteful, stereotypical nerds with glasses, boyles, and bad attitudes.” He spoke of his travels all up and down the east coast: Boston, New York, Ohio, Florida, South Carolina, and Kentucky. He specifically spoke about his experiences in Boston where he attended the Boston Penny Arcade Expo East at the Boston Convention Exhibition Center. At this gaming expo he experienced a huge room full of tabletop games that most people have never hear of, panels of game developers, and tons of cosplay. His favorite discussion panel was with a game developer of Bioware 2, a game with a very controversial ending. There was a room full of people divided mostly in half of those who thought the ending was the most epic thing ever and those who thought “how could you?” He said that he thoroughly enjoyed this discussion panel because is was funny to see “people compelled by something that didn’t really matter.”
Wesley Miller is a creative soul with a character all his own. His passion for creativity and imagination is inspirational. You can find out more about the Boston Penny Arcade Expo East and maybe even create your own adventure here.

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